

CSD实验室有听力学设备, 录音棚, 辅助沟通工具, 跨年龄范围的言语和语言研究中使用的言语和语言测试.

教师的研究 & 出版物

牛津失语和语言障碍手册,雷默,A.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).

牛津失语和语言障碍手册. 纽约:牛津大学出版社. Raymer,.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).


Azad G.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D., 狄龙,E.Reetzke R.卡尔布,L.Menon, D.,在香港., J., & 兰达,R. (2021). The influence of race on parental beliefs and concerns during an autism diagnosis: A mixed methods analysis. 自闭症, 1-12.

Crosson B.罗德里格斯,A.D.科普兰,D.A.弗里德里克松,J.Krishnamurthy, L.C.迈因泽,M., Raymer,.M., •V., & 列夫,.P. (2019). 神经可塑性和失语症治疗:老问题的新方法. 神经病学杂志,神经外科, & 精神病学,90 (10), 1147-1155.doi: 10.1136 / jnnp - 2018 - 319649.

戴维斯,E.沃尔夫,J.默多克,R.洛佩兹,M., & 墨菲,K.A. (2019). 内部和外部记忆策略在循证实践中的应用. 循证实践简报,14(1), 1-10.

Gohsman, M. & 约翰逊,R. (2023). Reported barriers to augmentative and alternative communication service delivery and post-professional learning preferences among speech-language pathologists. 美国言语语言病理学杂志gy. doi: http://doi.org/10.1044/2023_A, Prebor, JSLP-22-00036

Holingue C., 菲佛,D.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Reetzke R.洪杰. S.卡尔布,L. G., & 兰达,R. (2023). ASD患者胃肠道症状的患病率, 伴有或不伴有智力障碍. 自闭症研究.

Holingue C.Poku, O., 菲佛,D.美国默里市.M . Fallin. D. (2021). Gastrointestinal concerns in children with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative study of family experiences. 自闭症, 1-14.

在香港,我. S.辛格,V.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig., 菲佛,D.C .霍林格.Menon, D.陆,Q.阿什卡,A., & 兰达,R. (2022). ADOS-2在自闭症谱系障碍诊断中的复制研究. 自闭症研究.

角,.L.罗奇,J., & 墨菲,K. A. (2021). Constant time delay to teach reading to students with intellectual disability and autism: A review. 国际发育障碍杂志, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/20473869.2021.1907138

约翰逊,R. & Gohsman, M. (2023). AAC临床服务提供的预测因素:缩小差距. 美国语言病理学杂志. doi: http://doi.org/23814764000300140072

约翰逊,R.K.马修斯,J.纽约州迪亚瓦拉市., & 卡罗尔,R. (2020). Statistical analysis of fNIRS Data: Consideration of spatial varying coefficient model of prefrontal cortex activity changes during speech motor learning in apraxia of speech. 应用数学与统计学前沿. doi: http://doi.org/10.3389/fams.2020.00032

约翰逊,R. K.米切莱克,A., & Richels C. (2019). Creating head space: Using spaced retrieval practice to teach cranial nerves to graduate SLP students. 传播科学的教与学 & 障碍,3(2). 

约翰逊,R., & Prebor J. (2019). Update on preservice training in augmentative and alternative communication for speech-language pathologists. 美国语言病理学杂志. 28(2), 536-549. doi: 10.1044/2018_ajslp - 18 - 0004

卡尔布,.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R.狄龙,E.阿扎德,G.弗里德曼,B., & 兰达,R. (2021). Parental relationship status and age at autism spectrum disorder diagnosis of their child. 自闭症,25(8), 2189-2198.

卡尔布,. G.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R., Gross, A., & 兰达,R. (2022). Evaluation of racial and sex bias in the autism spectrum observation schedule: An item-response theory analysis. JAMA网络开放,5(4): e229498.

Michalek,. M. P.拉弗,S. A., Richels C.墨菲,K. A., & Alshammari R. (2021). Using focused recasting and auditory bombardment to teach child-specific morphosyntactical skills to preschoolers who are deaf or hard of hearing. 耳聋 & 最靠谱的网赌软件,23岁(1), 43-63. doi: 10.1080/14643154.2019.1627737

墨菲,K.A., & Diehm E. (2020). 收集词汇:一个以形态学为中心的正字法干预的临床例子. 学校的语言、言语和听力服务,51(3), 544-560. doi: 10.1044/2020_lshss - 19 - 00050(邀请)

墨菲,K.A., & 正义,L.M. (2019). Lexical-level predictors of reading comprehension in third grade: Is spelling a unique contributor? 美国语言病理学杂志,(28)4, 1597-1610. doi: 10.1044/2019_ajslp - 18 - 0299

墨菲,K.A., Pentimonti J.M., & Chow J. (2023). 通过协作式共享阅读,提高儿童的语言和读写能力. 学校和诊所的干预,58(3), 155-163. doi: 10.1177/10534512221081218(邀请)

墨菲,K.A.斯普林格,A.苏尔坦尼,M.McIlraith, A., & 语言与阅读研究联盟(2022). 从叙事语言样本预测语言表现. 言语、语言与听力研究杂志, 65(2), 775-784. doi: 10.1044/2021_jslhr - 21 - 00262

菲佛,D., 福伊尔斯坦,J.赫尔曼,D。., & 兰达,R. (2022). Early childhood providers’ perceptions of effective professional development components: A qualitative study. 婴儿 & 幼儿,35岁(3), 248-263.

菲佛,D. L.费尔斯坦,J., & 兰达,R. (2023). 演讲-language pathologists’ perceptions of language and literacy instruction for pre-K children with developmental language disorder. 学校的语言、言语和听力服务.

菲佛,D., Holingue C.狄龙,E.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R., & 兰达,R. (2021). 家长对自闭症儿童年龄的关注:一项定性分析. 自闭症谱系障碍研究,86(101817), 1-12.

菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). Assessing generalization during the early achievements for child care providers intervention: A pilot randomized controlled trial. 早期教育与发展.

菲佛,D. L., & Pavelko,年代. L. (2023). 跨服务提供模式的字母知识循证指导. ASHA特别兴趣小组的观点.

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L., & Bronaugh D. (2022). Get out of your silo: A qualitative examination of an interprofessional undergraduate course. ASHA特别兴趣小组的观点.

菲佛,D.帕维尔科,S.Allen-Bronaugh D.选C., & Timler G. (2022). A practice-based interprofessional emergent writing intervention: Impacts on graduate students and preschoolers.通信科学 & 障碍,6(1).

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L.Hahs-Vaughn, D. L., & 无用的,. C. (2019). A national survey of speech-language pathologists’ engagement in interprofessional collaborative practice in schools: Identifying predictive factors and barriers to implementation. 学校的语言、言语和听力服务,50页, 639-655.

菲佛,D. L., Pavelko,年代. L., & 英格拉姆,年代. (2018). Interprofessional education for preprofessional speech-language pathologists and general education teachers. EBP简报,13页(1), 1-10.

无用的,. C. & 菲佛,D. L. (2018). 语言病理学中的临床决策. 传播科学的教与学 & 障碍,2(1), 1-11.

Puhlman J., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2019). 男大学生言语语言病理学认知与知识的调查. 交流障碍杂志.  82,第205936条. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2019.105936

Raymer,.M.罗奇,J.瑞德曼,R.米切莱克,A.M.P., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2018).  对TBI中执行功能治疗的系统评价. 脑损伤,32岁(13-14), 1601-1611. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1522671.

Raymer,.M., 桑德伯格,H.M.施瓦茨,K.华生,G.S., & Ringleb,年代.I. (2019). 轻度失语症患者的噪音听觉加工治疗:初步研究. 交流障碍临床档案,4(2), 1-7. doi: 10.21849 / cacd.2019.00087.

Reetzke R.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.卡尔布,L. G.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Menon, D., 菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). Profiles and correlates of language and social communication differences among young autistic children. 心理学前沿,2013.

Reetzke R., 菲佛,D., 卡尔布,.C .霍林格.泽特梅尔,C.,在香港. J. S.兰达,R. (2021). Informant (dis)agreement on ratings of challenging behaviors and social communication in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. 言语、语言与听觉研究杂志,64(7), 2766-2775.

Roitsch J.甘珀特,M.斯普林格,A., & Raymer,.M. (2020年,epub). Writing instruction for students with learning disabilities: Quality appraisal of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. 阅读与写作季刊.doi: 10.1080/10573569.2019.708221.

Roitsch J.E., 墨菲,K.A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). Executive functions and clinical and academic outcomes in speech-language pathology graduate students. ASHA特别兴趣小组的观点,5, 1221-1230. doi: 10.Roitsch J .., 墨菲,K.A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). Executive functions and clinical and academic outcomes in speech-language pathology graduate students. ASHA特殊利益集团的观点,5(5), 1221-1230. doi: 10.1044/2020_persp - 19 - 00143

Roitsch J.J., & Raymer,.M. (2021). Cognitive assessments for patients with neurologic conditions: A preliminary survey of speech-language pathology practice patterns. 美国语言病理学杂志,30, 2263-2274

Roitsch J.瑞德曼,R.米切莱克,A.M.P., 约翰逊,R.K., & Raymer,.M. (2019). Quality appraisal of systematic reviews for behavioral treatments of attention disorders in traumatic brain injury. 头部创伤康复杂志,34(4), E42-E50. doi: 10.1097 / HTR.00000000000444.

Roitsch J.沃克,M。.L., & Raymer,.M. (2021). Executive functions and student academic during physical therapist education: An exploratory study. 联合健康杂志,50(4), e107-e114.       69. 帕特森,J.P., & Raymer,.M. (2022). 在失语症系统评价中应用关键评价工具. 美国语言病理学杂志,31 (5S), 2291-2300. doi: 10.1044/2022_ajslp - 21 - 00288

斯普林格尔,.P.布里登,A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). 演讲 intervention effects in childhood apraxia of speech: Quality appraisal of systematic reviews. ASHA特殊利益集团的观点,5, 646-653.

斯普林格尔,.P., 菲佛,D.L., & Gillis C. (2023). 通过近同伴学习经验丰富临床前教育. 传播科学的教与学 & 疾病,7(2). 

牛津失语和语言障碍手册,雷默,A.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).

牛津失语和语言障碍手册. 纽约:牛津大学出版社. Raymer,.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).


Azad G.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D., 狄龙,E.Reetzke R.卡尔布,L.Menon, D.,在香港., J., & 兰达,R. (2021). The influence of race on parental beliefs and concerns during an autism diagnosis: A mixed methods analysis. 自闭症, 1-12.

Crosson B.罗德里格斯,A.D.科普兰,D.A.弗里德里克松,J.Krishnamurthy, L.C.迈因泽,M., Raymer,.M., •V., & 列夫,.P. (2019). 神经可塑性和失语症治疗:老问题的新方法. 神经病学杂志,神经外科, & 精神病学,90 (10), 1147-1155.doi: 10.1136 / jnnp - 2018 - 319649.

戴维斯,E.沃尔夫,J.默多克,R.洛佩兹,M., & 墨菲,K.A. (2019). 内部和外部记忆策略在循证实践中的应用. 循证实践简报,14(1), 1-10.

Gohsman, M. & 约翰逊,R. (2023). Reported barriers to augmentative and alternative communication service delivery and post-professional learning preferences among speech-language pathologists. 美国言语语言病理学杂志gy. doi: http://doi.org/10.1044/2023_A, Prebor, JSLP-22-00036

Holingue C., 菲佛,D.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Reetzke R.洪杰. S.卡尔布,L. G., & 兰达,R. (2023). ASD患者胃肠道症状的患病率, 伴有或不伴有智力障碍. 自闭症研究.

Holingue C.Poku, O., 菲佛,D.美国默里市.M . Fallin. D. (2021). Gastrointestinal concerns in children with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative study of family experiences. 自闭症, 1-14.

在香港,我. S.辛格,V.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig., 菲佛,D.C .霍林格.Menon, D.陆,Q.阿什卡,A., & 兰达,R. (2022). ADOS-2在自闭症谱系障碍诊断中的复制研究. 自闭症研究.

角,.L.罗奇,J., & 墨菲,K. A. (2021). Constant time delay to teach reading to students with intellectual disability and autism: A review. 国际发育障碍杂志, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/20473869.2021.1907138

约翰逊,R. & Gohsman, M. (2023). AAC临床服务提供的预测因素:缩小差距. 美国语言病理学杂志. doi: http://doi.org/23814764000300140072

约翰逊,R.K.马修斯,J.纽约州迪亚瓦拉市., & 卡罗尔,R. (2020). Statistical analysis of fNIRS Data: Consideration of spatial varying coefficient model of prefrontal cortex activity changes during speech motor learning in apraxia of speech. 应用数学与统计学前沿. doi: http://doi.org/10.3389/fams.2020.00032

约翰逊,R. K.米切莱克,A., & Richels C. (2019). Creating head space: Using spaced retrieval practice to teach cranial nerves to graduate SLP students. 传播科学的教与学 & 障碍,3(2). 

约翰逊,R., & Prebor J. (2019). Update on preservice training in augmentative and alternative communication for speech-language pathologists. 美国语言病理学杂志. 28(2), 536-549. doi: 10.1044/2018_ajslp - 18 - 0004

卡尔布,.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R.狄龙,E.阿扎德,G.弗里德曼,B., & 兰达,R. (2021). Parental relationship status and age at autism spectrum disorder diagnosis of their child. 自闭症,25(8), 2189-2198.

卡尔布,. G.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R., Gross, A., & 兰达,R. (2022). Evaluation of racial and sex bias in the autism spectrum observation schedule: An item-response theory analysis. JAMA网络开放,5(4): e229498.

Michalek,. M. P.拉弗,S. A., Richels C.墨菲,K. A., & Alshammari R. (2021). Using focused recasting and auditory bombardment to teach child-specific morphosyntactical skills to preschoolers who are deaf or hard of hearing. 耳聋 & 最靠谱的网赌软件,23岁(1), 43-63. doi: 10.1080/14643154.2019.1627737

墨菲,K.A., & Diehm E. (2020). 收集词汇:一个以形态学为中心的正字法干预的临床例子. 学校的语言、言语和听力服务,51(3), 544-560. doi: 10.1044/2020_lshss - 19 - 00050(邀请)

墨菲,K.A., & 正义,L.M. (2019). Lexical-level predictors of reading comprehension in third grade: Is spelling a unique contributor? 美国语言病理学杂志,(28)4, 1597-1610. doi: 10.1044/2019_ajslp - 18 - 0299

墨菲,K.A., Pentimonti J.M., & Chow J. (2023). 通过协作式共享阅读,提高儿童的语言和读写能力. 学校和诊所的干预,58(3), 155-163. doi: 10.1177/10534512221081218(邀请)

墨菲,K.A.斯普林格,A.苏尔坦尼,M.McIlraith, A., & 语言与阅读研究联盟(2022). 从叙事语言样本预测语言表现. 言语、语言与听力研究杂志, 65(2), 775-784. doi: 10.1044/2021_jslhr - 21 - 00262

菲佛,D., 福伊尔斯坦,J.赫尔曼,D。., & 兰达,R. (2022). Early childhood providers’ perceptions of effective professional development components: A qualitative study. 婴儿 & 幼儿,35岁(3), 248-263.

菲佛,D. L.费尔斯坦,J., & 兰达,R. (2023). 演讲-language pathologists’ perceptions of language and literacy instruction for pre-K children with developmental language disorder. 学校的语言、言语和听力服务.

菲佛,D., Holingue C.狄龙,E.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R., & 兰达,R. (2021). 家长对自闭症儿童年龄的关注:一项定性分析. 自闭症谱系障碍研究,86(101817), 1-12.

菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). Assessing generalization during the early achievements for child care providers intervention: A pilot randomized controlled trial. 早期教育与发展.

菲佛,D. L., & Pavelko,年代. L. (2023). 跨服务提供模式的字母知识循证指导. ASHA特别兴趣小组的观点.

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L., & Bronaugh D. (2022). Get out of your silo: A qualitative examination of an interprofessional undergraduate course. ASHA特别兴趣小组的观点.

菲佛,D.帕维尔科,S.Allen-Bronaugh D.选C., & Timler G. (2022). A practice-based interprofessional emergent writing intervention: Impacts on graduate students and preschoolers.通信科学 & 障碍,6(1).

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L.Hahs-Vaughn, D. L., & 无用的,. C. (2019). A national survey of speech-language pathologists’ engagement in interprofessional collaborative practice in schools: Identifying predictive factors and barriers to implementation. 学校的语言、言语和听力服务,50页, 639-655.

菲佛,D. L., Pavelko,年代. L., & 英格拉姆,年代. (2018). Interprofessional education for preprofessional speech-language pathologists and general education teachers. EBP简报,13页(1), 1-10.

无用的,. C. & 菲佛,D. L. (2018). 语言病理学中的临床决策. 传播科学的教与学 & 障碍,2(1), 1-11.

Puhlman J., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2019). 男大学生言语语言病理学认知与知识的调查. 交流障碍杂志.  82,第205936条. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2019.105936

Raymer,.M.罗奇,J.瑞德曼,R.米切莱克,A.M.P., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2018).  对TBI中执行功能治疗的系统评价. 脑损伤,32岁(13-14), 1601-1611. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1522671.

Raymer,.M., 桑德伯格,H.M.施瓦茨,K.华生,G.S., & Ringleb,年代.I. (2019). 轻度失语症患者的噪音听觉加工治疗:初步研究. 交流障碍临床档案,4(2), 1-7. doi: 10.21849 / cacd.2019.00087.

Reetzke R.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.卡尔布,L. G.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Menon, D., 菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). Profiles and correlates of language and social communication differences among young autistic children. 心理学前沿,2013.

Reetzke R., 菲佛,D., 卡尔布,.C .霍林格.泽特梅尔,C.,在香港. J. S.兰达,R. (2021). Informant (dis)agreement on ratings of challenging behaviors and social communication in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. 言语、语言与听觉研究杂志,64(7), 2766-2775.

Roitsch J.甘珀特,M.斯普林格,A., & Raymer,.M. (2020年,epub). Writing instruction for students with learning disabilities: Quality appraisal of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. 阅读与写作季刊.doi: 10.1080/10573569.2019.708221.

Roitsch J.E., 墨菲,K.A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). Executive functions and clinical and academic outcomes in speech-language pathology graduate students. ASHA特别兴趣小组的观点,5, 1221-1230. doi: 10.Roitsch J .., 墨菲,K.A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). Executive functions and clinical and academic outcomes in speech-language pathology graduate students. ASHA特殊利益集团的观点,5(5), 1221-1230. doi: 10.1044/2020_persp - 19 - 00143

Roitsch J.J., & Raymer,.M. (2021). Cognitive assessments for patients with neurologic conditions: A preliminary survey of speech-language pathology practice patterns. 美国语言病理学杂志,30, 2263-2274

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Influence of principles of motor learning and motivation factors on patient outcomes in speech rehabilitation for neurogenic communication disorders; using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure cortical activity following brain injury; augmentative and alternative communication.

金伯利·墨菲博士.D. Child language disorders; connections between language and literacy; early identification of children at risk for literacy difficulties; intervention for language and literature disorders; evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology.
丹妮卡·菲佛博士.D. Enhancing children's early language and literacy skills through collaborative school-based partnerships, including providing educators with interprofessional training at the preservice and in-service levels. 


Influence of principles of neuroplasticity to optimize rehabilitation outcomes in neurologic communication disorders; auditory processing in challenging listening conditions; evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology.


Investigation of preschool speech and language development in children who stutter and children who are deaf or hard of hearing.