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At Old Dominion University, your safety and security is our highest priority. We encourage 学生, 教师 and staff to partner with the us and utilize our provided services, initiatives and training opportunities. 在一起, we can navigate safely through working, living and studying successfully at ODU and in Norfolk, VA.

Check out our safety-related services and programs below. For more information about safety measures at Old Dominion, visit the ODU Police Department 网站.


项目 & 服务

Students On-Campus

Personal 安全

Play an active role in your safety. Learn some simple, easy-to-follow tips for living, learning and enjoying life safely at ODU.

Police officer helps student during Welcome Week.


The ODU Police Department offers a variety of services and programs to serve the campus community.


Fire Prevention

ODU is committed to fire prevention- using safety education, training initiatives, and proactive polices to keep campus smoke-free and safe.

Student of Concern


Report concerning behaviors to TEAM- ODU's Threat Education Assessment & Management Team


女性 & Gender Equity Center

的女人 & Gender Equity Center at ODU strives to create a world that is free of gender bias and help 学生 achieve their full potential.



The 安全的空间 Training Program provides education advocacy and awareness to reduce homophobia/transphobia and heterosexism on campus.

ODU Safe Ride Van


安全的旅程 provides a safe and secure alternative to walking around campus at night.



In case of emergencies, 学生, 教师, and staff can sign up to be immediately notified by text message, instant message, 或者打电话.



LiveSafe is a free mobile app to enhance the personal safety of the ODU community. Get alerts, partner with friends, connect with police, and more!

Site Navigation

Experience Guaranteed

Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current 学生.

Upcoming 事件

From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.

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