Darden College of Education & Professional Studies Advisor 目录

Educator Preparation 项目 (本科 Main Campus Only)

如果你的专业是: ...then your advisor is:
Early Childhood Education 诺拉·尼科尔森
Elementary Education  BSElementaryEd@xjiu.net
健康 and Physical Education (Students with 0-59 credits) 诺拉·尼科尔森
健康 and Physical Education (Students with 60+ credits) 凯特琳Makovec
Marketing Education Dr. 米奇Kosloski
Special Education undergradSPED@xjiu.net
技术 Education Dr. 菲尔·里德

Professional Studies 项目 (本科 Main Campus Only)

如果你的专业是: ...then your advisor is:
Fashion Merchandising Fashionadvising@xjiu.net
人类服务 hmsvadvising@xjiu.net
Industrial 技术 industrialtechadvising@xjiu.net
Park and 娱乐 Management prtsadvising@xjiu.net
体育运动管理 smgtadvisor@xjiu.net
Tourism Management prtsadvising@xjiu.net
Training Specialist Rob Batchelder


...then your major advisor is:

...and your MonarchTEACH advisor is:

Biology 老师 Prep

Please contact the College of Sciences 建议 Office to declare your major and for advice on biology content courses

Ms. Julie Wiley Ramsey
4132 Education Building
(757) 683-7048

Chemistry 老师 Prep

Please contact the Chemistry Department to declare your major and for advice on chemistry content courses

Earth Science 老师 Prep

Please contact the Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Department to declare your major and for advice on earth science content courses

Math 老师 Prep

Please contact the 数学系 to declare your major and for advice on math content courses

Physics 老师 Prep

Please contact the Physics Department to declare your major and for advice on physics content courses

Table last updated 6/23/2023

If your program is: ...then your advisor is:

Elementary Education Initial Licensure


Secondary Education Initial Licensure

  • 生物学(M.S.Ed.)
  • 化学(M.S.Ed.)
  • 地球科学(M).S.Ed.)
  • 英语(M.S.Ed.)
  • 历史(M.S.Ed.)
  • 中学(M).S.Ed.)
  • 物理(M.S.Ed.)
  • TESOL (M.S.Ed.)


Special Education

For graduate programs in Special Education for initial licensure and 许可 teachers, 请联系 Dr. 拉(merrill Lynch).

For more information on the Commonwealth Special Education Endorsement Program (CSEEP), please visit their website.

For more information on the Professional Preparation for Extraordinary 教学 (PPET), please visit their website.

Other Elementary Education & Secondary Education 研究生课程

For graduate programs for 许可 teachers, 请联系 the Department of 教学 & 学习.

Table last updated 6/3/2022.