
Policy on the 使用 of 资讯科技资源

  • 负责监督执行官: Vice 总统 for 政府 and Finance
  • 日期 of Current Revision or Creation: May 10, 2022
  • 下载政策PDF

The purpose of this policy is to outline the responsibilities in the use of information technology (IT) resources at 最靠谱的网赌软件.

弗吉尼亚法典第23条.第1-1301条,经修正, grants authority to the 参观委员会 to make rules and policies concerning the institution. 第七节.第01(a)(6)条 访客委员会章程 grants authority to the 总统 to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, 弗吉尼亚法典第23条.1-1000等序列.,经修订

Data - An information asset that represents, 但不限于, 单个数据元素, 列表, 地址, 文档, 图片, 测量样品, 项目, 程序源代码, 声音的录音, 数据的聚合, or other information in a digital format. 有形物体中的数据, 典型的纸, 是否被排除在本保单之外, but is subject to other University policies, 包括, 但不限于, policies on records management and confidentiality.

Information Security Officer (ISO) - The 最靠谱的网赌软件 employee, appointed by the 总统 or designee, who is responsible for developing and managing 最靠谱的网赌软件's information technology (IT) security program.

资讯科技资源 ——电脑, 电信设备, 网络, data, 自动数据处理, 数据库, 互联网, 印刷, 管理信息系统, 以及相关信息, 设备, 货物, 和服务.

使用 - 使用, in the context of this policy, is not limited to actions by end users. 使用 is defined as any activity in the design, 发展, 建设, 实现, 传输, 存储, 保护, 检索, support or management of information technology.


This policy applies to all users of 最靠谱的网赌软件 information technology resources and governs the use of all information technology resources whether 拥有 by or operated for University business through contractual arrangements, 包括, 但不限于, 所有员工, 学生, 志愿者, 以及参观机构的人. 员工包括所有员工, 管理员, 教师, 全职或兼职, and classified or non-classified persons who are paid by the University. Students include all persons admitted to the University who have not completed a program of study for which they were enrolled; student status continues whether or not the University's 项目 are in session. 访问ors include vendors and their employees, 学生家长, 志愿者, 客人, 不请自来的客人, and all other persons located on property, 拥有, 租赁, or otherwise controlled by the University.

As owner of information technology resources, 最靠谱的网赌软件 acknowledges its responsibility to:

  • ensure the appropriate and lawful use of these resources,
  • safeguard the integrity of computers, 网络, and data,
  • ensure that use of electronic communications complies with University policy, and
  • protect the University against damaging legal consequences.

最靠谱的网赌软件员工, 学生, and other users are afforded the privilege of using information technology resources. Privileges are granted to support the University's mission of instruction, 研究, and service; for conducting the business and administrative functions of the University; and to support student life.

All users of IT systems are responsible for reading and complying with University information technology requirements, 报告违反资讯科技保安的行为, 实际的还是可疑的, to University management and/or the Information Security Officer, taking reasonable and prudent steps to protect the security of IT systems and data to which they have access, 并遵守任何联邦法规, 状态, or local statutes and University policies and standards as might apply to these resources.

最靠谱的网赌软件 reserves the right to revoke any user's access privileges at any time for violations of policy, standards and/or conduct that disrupts the normal operation of information technology resources.

The specific standards to be utilized for compliance with this policy are published on the Information 技术服务 Computing 政策 and Standards website.

Applicable records must be retained and then destroyed in accordance with the Commonwealth's Records 保留 Schedules.



Policy Formulation Committee (PFC) & 负责人员 Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 生锈的Waterfield




Policy 审查 Committee (PRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 唐娜W. 米克斯

Chair, Policy 审查 Committee (PRC)



Executive Policy 审查 Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 乍得一. 里德




大学法律顾问 Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 艾伦T. 威尔逊





/s/ 约翰R. 布罗德里克




以前的版本: October 1, 2007; February 21, 2011; 2017年3月15日; May 10, 2022

预定覆检日期: 2027年5月10日