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当前修订或创建日期: 2021年6月17日

最靠谱的网赌软件参观委员会的成员, as appointed by the Governor shall abide by the Commonwealth of Virginia's State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (Va. 代码§2.2-3100,等等.). This includes avoiding both conflicts of interests as defined by law and the appearance of such conflicts, reporting promptly to the Rector and University Counsel any potential or existing conflicts, timely filing of the annual Financial Disclosure Statement, and completing Conflict of Interest training offered by the Ethics Advisory Council every two years.

A board member shall be considered to have a conflict of interest if he or she, 或与他或她有关联的人或实体, has a direct or indirect interest that may impair or may appear to reasonably impair a board member's independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge or his or her responsibilities to the institution.

  1. 披露义务

    1. Each board member has a continuing obligation to disclose promptly and fully any actual or potential conflicts of interest of which he or she is aware.

    2. Board members who believe they may have a conflict of interest must inform the Rector and consult with University Counsel as soon as possible. If University Counsel deems that a conflict exists (either direct or indirect), the Board member must notify the Rector of that determination.

    3. At any meeting of the Board when an issue involving the conflict is being discussed and/or considered, 董事会成员必须披露这种冲突, recuse themselves from discussion pertaining to the issue, 并在涉及该问题的任何行动上弃权. This must be stated for the record and recorded in the meeting minutes.

    4. A board member who is recused may be counted for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum at the meeting but shall not be counted for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum for the requisite board action.

  2. 报告义务

    1. 根据… Va. 代码§2.2-3114, board members must file a Financial Disclosure Statement form when appointed and annually thereafter on or before February 1.

    2. The Commonwealth's Ethics Advisory Council (Council) manages the electronic filing system and works with the Executive Secretary to the Board to ensure the list of current board members and their contact information is up-to-date.

    3. The Council shall make the required disclosure forms available at least 30 days prior to the filing deadline and will notify the board members via email of their requirement to file.

    4. The Executive Secretary to the Board will monitor the list of filers and send periodic reminders to those who have not yet filed.

    5. Board members who do not complete the form by February 1 may be subject to a $250 late filing penalty imposed by the Council and possible removal by the Governor for failure to comply.

    6. 根据… Va. 代码§2.2-3114.C., all forms are maintained as public records for five years in the office of the Council and such forms shall§2 be made public no later than six weeks after the filing deadline.

  3. 参加培训的义务

    1. 根据… Va. 代码§2.2-3128,董事会成员必须完成 利益冲突培训模块 由道德谘询委员会每两年提供.

    2. Completion of training must be reported to the 参访委员会执行秘书. Certification of completed training is also recorded in the training module maintained by the Ethics Advisory Council.

    3. The Executive Secretary to the Board will maintain the records of completed training dates and will notify individual board members within 30 days when they are required to retake the training module.

    4. Board members are also required to participate in educational programs provided by the State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV), 其中包括利益冲突培训. The Executive Secretary to the Board must track Board participation in this training and provide an annual report to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 根据… Va. 代码§23.1-1300 和§2.董事会章程第03条, failure to attend educational programs sponsored by SCHEV within the first two years of service without sufficient cause, as determined by majority vote of the Board and may be subject to removal by the Governor.

  4. 合规援助

    In order to aid board members in meeting these requirements, 将提供下列协助:

  1. University Counsel shall review the annual Financial Disclosure Statements submitted by individual board members to determine if any potential conflicts of interest may exist with any issues to come before the board or with any current or potential contractual arrangements with the University.

  2. 每年, the University's Department of Procurement 服务s shall make available to the board members through the Executive Secretary to the Board a list of the University's current vendors.





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